It seems I’ve been roped into another project. Colorado ARES section leaders want to create a catalog of important information for use by ARES groups across the state. It will include things like ICS 217s describing all of the repeaters and channels used by each group, ICS 205s to break those channels down per-event, and ICS 205As with contact information of event personnel. I’ve been tasked with creating a web application to collect and display this information. I’m just one of several people working on this project, but I’m the only one with web development experience. Ben KB0UBZ is technically savvy and is willing to help collect and massage data. Our subject matter experts are Joe KD0TYU and Randy N0OEM.

At this point, we’re really trying to narrow down exactly what we’re trying to build in the first place. Willem AC0KQ pitched this project to me as somthing to fill out complete Incident Action Plans with many ICS forms, but Joe and Randy’s vision for this as a catalog is quite different. I think we’ll start with the bare minimum, just publishe ICS 217s organized by ARES group, and then build from there.